Samstag, 1. Januar 2022

Evelyn’s Minature Garden Modular Concept: A Tutorial for Newbies … with updates


First of all you need  a container: 

Generally  you can plant in whatever you want,  each pot is  possible, 
as long as it is not a poisonous material, like f. e. raw copper. 

For most of my  fairy gardens  I did the containers myself:  little  boxes  made of resin coated plywood. In order to get it completely waterproof I used silicon in the corners.

The container  should only be waterproof for indoors or on a rain free place outdoors.
Then you don’t have a mess on the floor from watering,  but on the other hand you have  to water carefully, in order not to drown  your plants.

Btw. I did not do it yet, but  the  raw edges should be painted dark brown, to get them waterproof, too.
Mea  culpa!  
Moreover it looks much better.

The easiest way to create a miniature garden
is  to garden
is to fill your container 
completely narrow with equal common size plant pots  -
all square and  in the same size.

It is a modular concept.

Of course  the box size depends on the  pots - that’s why I did it myself.
My box is  about 29 x 49 cm  - for 15 square pots.

If  you have  some more  boxes, you  can put them together to bigger miniature gardens. 
In this way they are easier to carry, if necessary.

I used a bird's house and a little wooden bench and sewed  some  pillows.















You also need  plants with very tiny leafs and flowers  and potting soil.

Even tiny weeds can be good  miniature garden plants. 



Moss should already grow on the soil, then you have  at least a little chance, to keep it alive permanently.
It needs humid air to grow well.

Little coniferes works only outdoors or in a cold glasshouse/sunroom  in the long run. 




The benefit of this method of gardening:

In this way  you can use your plastic pots like a modular, you can combine in another way  again,  whenever you like it. 

Naturally you can also use wider pots in a fitting size.

Even plane  bins can be used – just  bring them  with Styrofoam, etc.  on the  right level.

When vovered by plants it looks nice.











You  can put  your “hardware” on the pots  in the right  height with your plastic pots or Styrofoam -
for  example a little house, a tile used as a terrace for a bank, arch,  etc.




Also mosaic designs, gritty pathways, wooden decks, etc. are  possible.
Just  stick it on a stabile waterproof material and lay it on  the  upside down  pots – or even on a half pot, the other  half can still be planted.

Your decoration parts will stay pretty dry and clean and  will not rot in the humid soil.

The best is, to plan your garden in a way, that the plastic of the pots is hidden under plants, pathways, stones or other decoration  - or hide them with a little bit of moss. 

See the difference here in front - and in the back:



A little  fence would make this  minigarden  perfect… 👍

I hope, all of this will help you a little bit to design  your first little miniature garden.

Have a lot of fun and a great time, folks!

Kind regards from Bavaria


When I am in holidays my friends always tends to  water my plants too much, in order not to  let them die of thirst.

As you all know: Well-intentioned is the opposite of well done!

My method is to remove one of the  plastic pots inside, so that  the  bottom of the box can be seen  easily
and I tell  the carers, that not more than  1 cm  of water  should be left over after wateriing the box ...
On  very hot days maybe 2 cm reservoir – it depends on how often somebody will come. 

It works well  - also for my indoor plants ;-)

14.01.2022  -  Update


the KUGGIS Series….   
Made of durable plastic in different sizes and colours and all sizes are dimensioned to each other.
I hope they have it in their programme for a very long time.

  • I took the medium size. They are exactly  the right size for 12 common nursery      plant pots  (squarish) in Europe. 
  •  You can use these  containers  immediately like  they are -  
    or drill wholes in the   bottom and use  the lid as a perfect plant saucer. 
  •  You need  some Styrofoam, plastic pots,  or whatever  under the pots, ok –
    but on the other hand it is deep enough to use  a bigger pot between them, too  -  f. e. for a little tree, etc. 
  •  You even can  drill the wholes  in  the  sides, to have  a  little water reservoir at the bottom inside.
  •  The height depends on which level your flower pots will be.
  •  More of them can be used exactly  close together to a big  garden - no water between them.  
  •  Put  a good sticky tape over two containers, if you want the  chink completely  waterproof.  
    A folded  thin aluminium sheet would do the same.
    But a dark clour would be the best.
  •  The containers are perfect for storing everything and can  be cleaned in the dishwasher. 
  •  But who would store something in, when you can create a new miniature garden?  😏

   update 2023 : 
   In the meantime IKEA produces also black containers, too which look still much  better.

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